Willpwr and Support Groups

Willpwr and Support Groups

Research shows that social support is one of the most essential components of recovering from a negative habit or an addiction. It was a no-brainer to incorporate some kind of social user’s group into our apps, except, as we’ve already discussed in a previous blog entry, we wanted to insure the strictest confidentiality for our customers. That meant that we couldn’t use social media as a way to achieve that social support. If we had any forum or virtual meeting system as a component of the app, we feared that we couldn’t insure full confidentiality. How to solve the problem? Simple. We realized that our app couldn’t cover all the bases. It is an assistant, not a complete solution. So, we decided to encourage users of our apps to join existing self-help groups, either 12-step programs like SAA for sexual issues or OA for overeaters, or non-12-step programs like SMART Recovery, their choice. If a formal group is too challenging for some users, then we encourage either on-line self-help groups or at least a trusted friend or relative who can serve as a community support person to our user. We included in the app (see our Personal Support area) easy ways to phone or video chat with people they have identified as supporters and/or to hear recorded words of encouragement from sponsors, spouses, family members, close friends, or whomever they choose. The idea is to encourage social support, but not to try to have the app do all the heavy lifting by organizing that social support. Why re-invent the wheel when there are many excellent programs already out there?

So we see our Willpwr apps as perfect additions to group membership. We also see our apps as helpful even for those who don’t want a group or who are not ready for group activities, but who could nonetheless “come out” to a few select members of their social network that they are striving to make important changes in their lives and that they could use support, especially at key times.

The app is always there, 24/7, but it is not quite the same thing as a flesh-and-blood friend or a mentor. We know that. We are counting on the fact that the combined effect of our apps plus social support from existing groups will amplify the effects of either strategy by itself.

Oh, and don’t forget professional help as well. Not everybody needs it, but for those who do, if you need it, get it! This is especially important for those who realize they have a serious problem, not mild, not moderate, but serious. With a therapist or physician in your corner, what we envision is a 1-2-3 knockout punch to the negative habit or addiction you want to overcome.