A Note to 12-Step Members About WIllpwr Apps

We want to clarify that our apps do not follow 12-step traditions, but also in no way contradict them. To the contrary, we see our apps as ancillary to the excellent work and effectiveness of 12-step programs. We encourage users of our apps to seek out group membership in 12-step or secular support groups if they are not already members. Research has found consistently that social support improves recovery success dramatically.
Willpwr+SE, for example, designed to address sexual excess and sexual addiction, helps an individual gain insights and learn their own personal patterns of trigger thoughts, mood states, events, and behavioral actions (“middle circle behavior”) that lead to urges. The app lays out many techniques from the relapse prevention literature as well as from other areas of psychology, including meditative techniques such as coherence breathing, but most certainly, that would also be a time for prayer for those who have a religious faith. The app attempts to assist the user at crisis points by challenging their irrational or “stinkin’ thinking” at those precise times and helping them to think clearly of consequences. Again, users are encouraged to turn to their faith at those points if they believe in a higher power as well as to use other techniques incorporated into the app found in Resources, Personal Support, or directly from the advice given whenever the Urge button is pressed. It goes without saying that 12-step members are always encouraged to work their own program coming from their sponsor and group traditions.
Similarly, Willpwr+EE, our emotional eating app, helps users identify emotional and environmental triggers that cause them to have urges unrelated to any actual physical need for food. Having a buddy or participating in a group for eating issues helps tremendously to feel that you are not alone and to benefit from tips and experiences of others as you move to healthy eating patterns and leave negative food habits behind.
In short, this app is a tool, but not a comprehensive treatment for those with sexual addictions or for issues of unhealthy eating problems and associated issues of being overweight. Our apps were written to include those in and those not in 12-step organizations, including individuals who do not believe in a higher power. We hope this clarifies our conceptualization and contents of the app. However, if this approach is contrary to your beliefs as a 12-step member, then perhaps this app is not the right choice for you.